Love For Lunch 2022
This Valentine's Day show some LOVE, only $.50 per meal!

This Valentine's Day show some LOVE, only $.50 per meal!
In honor of Valentine's Day we invite you to show some LOVE FOR LUNCH! All of the program in Ethiopia that we support have one thing in common, feeding children in need. Our goal is to raise enough for 10,000 meals. Each year our partners serve a combined total of over 250,000 meals, and the number is growing. Let's show some LOVE FOR LUNCH and feed these precious children.
Funding will help support the children's feeding program at the Arba Minch women's prison. Some women have no family to leave their children with while incarcerated. Therefore, the children stay with them. Our friends at Love For Ethiopia serve a daily meal for the children. Also, funding will help I Care Ethiopia's daycare feeding program.
Below is children at I Care Ethiopia's daycare center. They are washing their hands getting ready to eat lunch!